High quality Amigos little cigars can be smoked up to the last quarter

In contrast to cigarette smoking, the Amigos little cigars smoke is not inhaled, but only drawn into the oral cavity. This process is called puffing. The good taste of Amigos little cigars is shaped by the appropriate storage, the correct lighting and the optimal drawing technique. Cigar connoisseurs deliberately smoke their cigars slowly and take a good minute to enjoy an enjoyable draft. The best way to light a cigar is to use a gas lighter or a wood chip. It is important to slowly turn the end of the cigar over the flame until a small ash ring is formed. This process is called toasting in technical terms. The cigar smoker then takes the first move. Amigos little cigars should not be puffed too vigorously, as the high temperatures that this would have would have a negative effect on the cigar aroma. Cigar smokers should also be careful not to pull the cigar too often, as this would make the cigar smoke too hot. The last third of the cigar acts as a filter and should never be smoked. High quality Amigos little cigars can be smoked up to the last quarter.

After smoking, you put the cigar properly in an ashtray and let it go out on its own. A long cylinder of ash forms during the burning of the cigar. From time to time, the cigar smoker carefully taps it into an ashtray as soon as it can detect a small break. If, contrary to the recommendation, the cigar smoker does not tap the cigar ash at the right time but wipes it by turning it in the ashtray, the cigar embers can break off completely or the cigar insert sheets can tear. High quality cigars produce a stiff cigar ash in the form of a stable ash cylinder. The majority of passionate cigar smokers prefer a light cigar ash.

The cigar quality is not responsible for this. The bright cigar ash is largely determined by the pace of cigar smoking. The slower, more enjoyable and more carefully the cigar is smoked, the lighter the cigar ash. The range of cigars available today is as diverse as the needs and demands of cigar smokers. In our online shop, cigar lovers will find all types of Amigos little cigars and a huge selection of other brands. Whichever cigar you prefer, our online shop will bring your favorite cigar to you as quickly as possible.