Brio little cigars with a valuable tobacco
These Brio little cigars are particularly enjoyable due to the well-coordinated seasoning.
The cigarillo smoker knows very well that the taste of these Brio little cigars is extraordinarily original.
This fine spicy long cigarillo comes from the Swiss house Villiger. It has a length of 118 mm with a diameter of 8.2 mm. The inexpensive Brio little cigars with aromas of wood and some earth and a hint of nuts are evident.
Cigar lovers will appreciate the medium strength Brio cigarillos!
The low-cost Brio little cigars are machine shortfilers that have a dark, natural cover sheet. The insert consists of a carefully selected mixture of various tobaccos, including from the Dominican Republic, Europe and Java. They have a spicy aroma and guarantee a rich pleasure from smoking. The box contains 50 cigarillos.
Brio little cigars with Brazilian tobacco delight more and more aficionados and allow the formats a regular place in the personal humidor. The many flavors during a smoke range from ripe apples or chocolate to fresh bread and offer every lover a welcome change. Connoisseurs already appreciate the very straight burn and the very good pulling behavior of these cigars. Our online shop offers you a small selection of high-quality cigars and continues to explore the world of Brazilian products so that we can gradually offer them to you. Try to experience a new taste world and convince yourself of the mild aromas of Brazilian tobacco.
The most famous growing region is the city of Arapiraca, which is located in the state of Alagoas. Other well-known regions are Bahia and Mata Fina. The tropical climate and exceptional soil conditions offer the tobacco plants ideal conditions to mature with high quality raw materials. Different cultivation and harvesting methods increase the quality of the tobacco leaves. The hand-picked tobacco leaves from the Mata Fina region are perfect as a cover page. The oily shiny and rather dark-looking leaf gives the smoke a sweet taste with an earthy aroma. Mata Fina tobacco leaves are considered the best and most expensive in the world. One of the few Brazilian leaves that form an important part in the diverse tobacco world, especially the premium cigar category.