Get our competent advice about the Habanera Ligero little cigars

Habanera Ligero little cigars are smoking sticks that include a whole sheet of tobacco on the outside and chopped tobacco on the inside. The Habanera Ligero little cigars taste closer to cigars but contain more nicotine. But in appearance, they are more reminiscent of ordinary
cigarettes come with a filter and packaged in packs. Habanera Ligerolittle cigars do not contain additives that support cigarette smoldering and therefore can be flavored. Both ladies and men give preference to this type of tobacco products; it all depends on the added flavors and the strength of Habanera Ligero little cigars. In the specialized store, you can buy Habanera Ligero little cigars at an affordable price, also get competent advice on the product.

Habanera Ligero little cigars are made from the tobacco of Mata Fina and Pennsylvania as a filling, and Arapirak Bahia as a cover sheet. They have a sweet aroma, with notes of spices and nuts taste. Habanera Ligero little cigars are an excellent cigar wrapped in a smooth and silky Arapiraca Bahia cover leaf native to Brazil, Colorado Maduro. As a filling, a perfectly balanced blend of tobacco from Nicaragua, Brazil and the USA was used. The cigar has a rich spicy taste with natural sweetness and notes of dried fruits in the aroma. Brazilian tobacco leaf cover complements the range of aromas with light floral tones. The dense and thick aroma of Habanera Ligero cigars will surely appeal to even the most experienced aficionados.

Outwardly, these cigarillos are somewhat lighter than Habanera Classico. Although modern “printing methods” can repeat any texture on any material. The Habanera Ligero little cigars flavor seemed more pleasant, although all this is subjective. The aroma itself is soft, fruity, reminiscent of the taste of chewing gum from a distant childhood. In general, the Habanera Ligero littlecigars are pleasant, not repulsive, but excellent tobacco products. These Habanera Ligero little cigars are available at the best prices in our online tobacco store. Our clients who ordered those Habanera Ligero little cigars have a high opinion about the quality of our services and the tobacco items that we promote.