“Drink smoke” of Criss Cross little cigars
In general, a cigar is a roll of tobacco leaves that has a cylindrical shape. The purpose of her smoking is to enjoy the thick tobacco smoke and unrivaled aroma. For the first time, cigars became popular in the middle of the 17th century in Spain, and their predecessor is the rolls of corn leaves and the cohiba plant, which were popular with the Indians. After Christopher Columbus landed in Latin America, his companion Captain Rodrigo de Jerez was the first to try this “analogue”. He liked smoking so much that upon arriving home he showed his friends his ability to “drink smoke”.
What gift can you give to a heavy smoker? This is a good cigar or pipe, of course. Many true connoisseurs of tobacco products prefer to smoke exclusively Criss Cross little cigars, since their taste is much more pleasant than that of ordinary cigarettes, and the very sight of a person with a cigar evokes respect and confidence in his good sense of taste. Gift Criss Cross little cigars do not have to be elite or expensive, you can just pick up the original packaging or donate several types of cigars.
How best to give a gift of Criss Cross little cigars? So let’s start with packaging. A beautiful case for Criss Cross little cigars will give a gift much more significance in the eyes of a person, and keeping cigars in an original and convenient package is much more pleasant than just on the shelf. For cigars, you can choose a wooden box in the form of a book, or an exquisite metal cigarette case with engraving or just a picture. A leather case is also great. If you want to donate more than one cigar, but several, then it is better to pick up one copy of different types. Such an original set, and even in a beautiful design, will delight the heart of any fan of quality tobacco.Gift offers of Criss Cross little cigars. The manufacturers offer their customers original gift options or sets of Criss Cross little cigars. For example, a gorgeous gift set, which includes as many as 25 different Criss Cross little cigars. Such a set will brighten up any life situation for its owner and will give an unforgettable pleasure from smoking various aromatic varieties of tobacco. Gift sets of Criss Cross little cigars can also be more modest – three or four cigars.