Borkum Riff little cigars have long gained a reputation
The popularity of little cigars today is inspired by time, or rather, its economy. Moreover, little cigars are an ideal solution for those who have already satiated with cigarette smoking, but are not yet ready to switch to cigars. Many people think that it is better to switch from cigarettes to cigars through cigarillos, but most people who started smoking cigarillos like this product so much that they stop on it and in the future give their preference to an affordable, varied and exquisite cigarilla.
Borkum Riff little cigars, which you can buy on our website, have long gained a reputation as one of the highest quality and impressively delicious ones. They are produced in Holland from selected pipe tobacco grown on the best plantations in the world. It is done under the strict control of craftsmen in accordance with specially developed technology. Every little cigars of this brand of tobacco varieties is unique – that is why Borkum Riff little cigars are so special, amazing and completely outstanding. Borkum Riff little cigars do not contain substances that accelerate combustion and are able to give their owner a lot of long pleasant minutes. Their noble aroma impresses, captivates and captivates – Borkum Riff are ready to bring a bit of novelty and magical sensations to the life of any smoker.
Borkum Riff little cigars online are sold in flat, tough packaging, it is convenient, practical and stylish. Slim, graceful, equipped with a mouthpiece, they are intended both for connoisseurs of smoking and for beginners who are just beginning to learn all its charm and depth. And they are ready to share with everyone their magnificence.
Their smoking resembles cigar smoking, but you don’t need to cut it before smoking.
To set fire to a cigarilla, you will need regular matches or a lighter, but do not bring it close to the flame, as the cigarilla should smolder, not burn. The process of smoking is no different from smoking a cigar and cigarillos are also not smoked “in the long run”.
You can buy Borkum Riff little cigars online on our web store. We offer the highest quality tobacco products, the manufacturing process is subject to stringent controls, and storage complies with standards. Therefore, you can safely purchase products intended for smoking on our large store.