Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection

The Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection are an excellent, machine-made cigar that comes close to the quality of hand-rolled long fillers. The filler and binder come from the Dominican Republic. The wrapper is a Connecticut that has matured in the shade, which wonderfully emphasizes the mild character.

Cold smell and appearance of the Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection are good. After lighting, you can immediately enjoy the light draft and the full smoke development. The burn is straight and clean. The Coronas from the Balmoral Dominican Selection are very mild and extremely soft on the tongue. A pleasant, round aftertaste remains on the palate. The Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection is a light cigar that is also very suitable for beginners.

The Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection are for those smokers who prefer inexpensive specimens. The associated cigarillos are machine-made and wrapped in cellophane. This series – in which the insert consists of a mixture of tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Brazil – includes a wide variety of formats, so that there should be something suitable for every requirement. The top product of the brand – and at the same time also the flagship of Agio – is the Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection.

Manufacturers use Havana, Brazil and Java tobacco for the filler. The corresponding products have a mild and for this reason extremely pleasant aroma, which is rounded off by peppery facets. These Balmoral little cigars of Dominican Selection are available in different sizes. Some formats are also offered in a milder version (indicated by blue packaging).
The range of Balmoral little cigars is constantly being expanded. For example, since 2012, other series such as the “Balmoral Royal Selection Maduro” or the “Balmoral Royal Selection Claro” have been available. With such new products, Royal Agio proves that it always goes with the trend of the times and does not rest on the successful tradition, but is always on the lookout for new innovations.

What is especially interesting for our clients, these Balmoral little cigars of innovative versions can be easily ordered in our online shop.