Blackstone little cigars add pleasure to smoking

Blackstone little cigars are eye-catching at first sight. They are stylish and very neat, in a narrow and thin package, perfectly complement the image of a self-confident person. Each cigarillo is additionally packed in an individual protective film, which helps to preserve the rich taste and aroma of natural tobacco for a long time.

The secret behind Blackstone little cigars popularity is not just its pretty packaging, of course. For their production, pipe tobacco is used, which is distinguished by an exquisite and at the same time mild taste. The Blackstone little cigars line includes cigarillos with various flavors that add additional notes to the taste of natural tobacco – cherry, vanilla, wine or peach.

Each cigarillo is supplied with a mouthpiece to soften the taste of the tobacco and at the same time add pleasure to smoking. Everyone who has them at least once notes a surprisingly exquisite aroma, well felt both by the smoker himself and by those who are next to him. And this is another secret of the popularity of Blackstone little cigars: everyone who inhales the smoke from such a cigarillo smells a pleasant light aroma with sweet or fruity notes, very similar to the smell of a lighted pipe.
Blackstone little cigars are produced by the American company Swisher International.
Founded in 1861, this cigar company is today one of the world leaders in the production of high quality cigars and cigarillos with pipe tobacco.
In the tobacco markets, BlackStone cigarillos are marketed as “mini-cigars” or “pipe cigarillos”. And this is justified, since they are not inferior to good cigars in terms of the richness of taste and quality of rolling, and the special aroma of the filler allows you to successfully replace a real pipe – especially if there is no time or desire to fiddle with filling and lighting this pipe.

According to the manufacturers themselves, pipe tobacco makes cigarillos more acceptable for smoking in public places. Indeed, surveys show that the aroma of BlackStone smoke gives smokers and inhalers almost more pleasure than the taste in the mouth when smoking. This will be understood by everyone who has ever been next to a person smoking a pipe. Only the aroma of pipe tobacco can convey a unique feeling of warmth and comfort.