Dannemann little cigars from Brazilian tobacco leaves
Brazil is one of the leading countries in the tobacco industry. Despite the fact that Brazilian cigars are inferior in popularity to Cuban ones, the Brazilian tobacco leaves used to make cigars are known to many. Quite strong varieties of tobacco are grown in Brazil, which is why Brazilian Dannemann little cigars have a rather high price, which is compensated by the excellent rich taste and unforgettable aroma of cigars. Manufacturers of cigars in various countries buy tobacco leaves in Brazil. Brazilian Dannemann little cigars have high strength, elasticity, and they perfectly retain the entire set of taste and aroma characteristics.
One of the brightest representatives of the Brazilian cigar industry, or rather its pearl, can rightfully be called the Dannemann cigar company. The Dannemann cigar company was founded by Gerhard Dannemann, who arrived in Brazil from Germany in 1872. He settled in the state of Bahia, which is one of the centers of tobacco growing in Brazil. This choice of location was not accidental, since Gerhard believed that the best cigars could be made directly at the place where tobacco was grown and processed. In the beginning, his tobacco factory was a small business employing only six women. Over time, the company grew, the high quality of the cigars allowed them to enter the international market. Until now, Dannemann little cigars are decorated with Gerhard’s portrait and bear his name, since the name Dannemann has been synonymous with high quality ever since.
Let’s not forget that Gerhard was German, and they, as you know, are distinguished by their pedantry to product quality and standards. That is why the Dannemann little cigars are of very high quality, thanks to which they have won an unshakable place in the cigar world.
Gerhard Dannemann can rightfully be called the founder of the tobacco business in Brazil, because it was he who laid most of the tobacco plantations. However, the Second World War had a detrimental effect on the company, since after the change of the Brazilian government, almost all of Gerhard’s possessions, and there were about 10 plantations, were transferred into the hands of the state. But in 1998, Dannemann’s heirs revived the company, buying out the best tobacco growing lands in the Bahia region, which is distinguished by its mild climate.
Today Dannemann little cigars are made from traditional Brazilian tobacco and can also be made from Cuban and Indonesian tobacco leaves. Dannemann’s cigar assortment is constantly growing, taking into account the requirements of modern cigar lovers, but one thing remains unchanged – it is the high quality standards of cigars, attention to all details of the entire production process: from preparation for sowing tobacco seeds to packaging ready-made cigars.