Habanera little cigars are available in various types

Habanera little cigars are a classic blend of cigar tobaccos used in the production of cigars made in cigar machines. This blend utilizes dark tobaccos from the United States, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Cuba. Habanera Cigarillo is characterized by a natural cover leaf.

The strength of cigars ranges from 5 to 10 on the Scott scale, which is considered the average strength of a cigar. However, it should be noted that cigar strength can vary depending on the composition and quality of the cigar.

Habanera little cigars are a brand of cigars produced in the Dominican Republic. They are made from carefully selected tobacco and various spices and herbs and are known for their unique flavor and aroma. Habanera is available in various types including cigars, cigarillos and pipe cigars.

Habanera little cigars are produced at the Pogar factory in the Bryansk region. The history of the company dates back to 1864. A.G. Rutenberg, an entrepreneur from Baltic Germany, bought the tobacco company “Kovsky-Kovsky” and G. Rutenberg bought the tobacco factory “Kovsky and Kuntsichinsky” in Riga. The factory’s products quickly gained popularity, but the outbreak of World War I led to the fact that the production base had to be moved far away from the front line. This is how the manufacturing factory was established, which is still in operation today.

Raw materials for the production of Habanera little cigars are supplied to the factory from the world’s leading tobacco regions, such as the USA, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Cuba. The brand’s collections of Habanera little cigars are represented by unique flavor variations. The toppings of the products are the same blend wrapped in cover sheets from different regions, which gives each variety its own individual style.

The manufacturers are using tobacco varieties such as Indonesian Sumatra and Pennsylvania Broadleaf in the cover sheets (as of June 2022). Three more products are being prepared using cover leaves from Ecuador Clara, Italy Keptsk and Nicaragua Navarra. The product is unflavored and provides a pleasant smoking experience. The strength is medium, suitable for both beginners and experienced connoisseurs of fine tobacco.
Indonesian Sumatra Habanera little cigars have the natural flavor and aroma of selected tobaccos from the United States, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Cuba. Each cigarillo is wrapped entirely in Indonesian Sumatran tobacco leaves.