little white cigars
As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been drawn to the charm and sophistication of smoking a handmade, premium cigar. However, as a busy professional, I often find myself short on time to fully enjoy a traditional cigar. That’s why I turned to little cigars – a perfect alternative that still gives me the satisfaction and flavor of a regular cigar, but in a smaller size and without the commitment of a longer smoke.
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are essentially mini versions of traditional cigars. They typically range in length from 3 to 4 inches and have a ring gauge of about 20 to 30, making them much thinner than their bigger counterparts. They are also usually made with machine-rolled tobacco, whereas premium cigars are hand-rolled. This allows little cigars to be produced in larger quantities at a faster rate, resulting in a lower price point for consumers.
One of the main reasons I enjoy little cigars is their convenience. They are the perfect size for a quick smoke break or for when I don’t want to commit to a longer smoking session. I can easily slip one into my pocket or purse and enjoy it whenever I have a spare moment. They are also a great option for outdoor activities, such as camping or hiking, where a full-sized cigar may not be practical.
But don’t let their small size fool you – little cigars still pack a punch of flavor. Many brands use high-quality tobacco blends that are similar to those found in premium cigars. This means that you can still experience the rich and complex taste of different tobacco varieties, such as Cuban, Honduran, or Nicaraguan, in a mini format. Plus, with a smaller ring gauge, the flavor is often more intense, giving you a true taste of the tobacco without any dilution.
In terms of flavor profiles, little cigars come in a wide range to suit different preferences. Some are mild and smooth, perfect for a beginner or for those who enjoy a more subtle taste. Others are bolder and richer, providing a stronger smoking experience for seasoned cigar smokers. Some brands also offer flavored little cigars, such as cherry, vanilla, or chocolate, for those who prefer a more unique taste.
When it comes to lighting up a little cigar, the process is similar to that of a traditional cigar. I usually cut the cap with a guillotine cutter, just like I would with a regular cigar, and then use a lighter to toast the foot before taking a puff. However, some little cigars come with a pre-cut plastic or wooden tip, which eliminates the need for a cutter. This makes them even more convenient for those on the go.
While some cigar aficionados may turn their noses up at the thought of smoking a little cigar, I have found that they are a great option for those looking for a quick and enjoyable smoke without breaking the bank. For me, it’s also a way to try out new brands and flavors without committing to a full-sized cigar. I can easily purchase a pack of little cigars and see which ones I like before investing in a larger box.
However, I do have to mention that little cigars are not without their flaws. One of the main criticisms is the use of homogenized tobacco leaf (HTL) in some brands. HTL is tobacco that has been heavily processed and re-constituted, which can result in a harsher and less authentic flavor. Some cigarillos also have different proportions of long-fillers and short-fillers, which can affect the overall taste and burn of the cigar. That’s why it’s important to do your research and choose reputable brands when purchasing little cigars.
Additionally, little cigars are often seen as a more affordable option compared to premium cigars, but their price can quickly add up if you smoke them often. While a pack of little cigars may cost less than a single premium cigar, you may find yourself going through multiple packs in a week. It’s important to keep this in mind when considering the cost-effectiveness of little cigars.
In terms of etiquette, little cigars are still best enjoyed in a similar fashion to traditional cigars. I would not recommend inhaling the smoke, as the small size of the cigar may lead to a more intense nicotine hit. Instead, take your time and savor the flavors by puffing and then savoring the smoke in your mouth before blowing it out. And just like with any other cigar, be respectful of others around you and avoid smoking in non-designated areas.
In conclusion, little cigars may not be for everyone, but they are definitely worth considering for those looking for a convenient and enjoyable smoking experience. Whether you’re a cigar enthusiast like myself or just looking for a new way to unwind and relax, little cigars offer a unique and flavorful option that shouldn’t be overlooked. So next time you’re in your local cigar shop, don’t hesitate to pick up a pack of little cigars and give them a try – you may just find a new favorite smoke.