Piporito little cigars are fully flavored cigarillos made from 100% tobacco
The Piporito little cigars are available in vanilla and cherry flavors.
The stylish short filler Piporito little cigars consist of a balanced mixture of spicy pipe tobacco and full-bodied Sumatran tobacco. In addition, they impress with their mild aroma: The Piporito little cigars also impress with a fruity-fresh cherry aroma. They have a fine Java binder and are rolled up in a light-colored US Connecticut wrapper. The Piporitos Vanilla taste sweet and exotic and are wrapped in a fine, mild Sumatran wrapper.
Connoisseurs appreciate Piporito little cigars not only because of their unique taste, but above all because of the small and handy cigarillo format. Nevertheless, they are in no way inferior to a “real” cigar in terms of aroma – this is precisely why Piporitos are popular cigars for beginners.
“Mini” Piporito little cigars are 86 millimeters long and 7.5 millimeters in diameter. The smoking experience lasts about five minutes – ideal for a short break with a cup of espresso.
Piporito little cigars are produced by the traditional German cigar manufacturer Woermann Cigars GmbH. The company has been supplying specialist retailers with carefully selected cigars and cigarillos for 125 years. In 1880 the first cigars were rolled by hand in Rödinghausen, Westphalia.
In 1963 the company finally switched to machine production. The production volume then skyrocketed: while 10,000 cigars were still rolling off the production line in the 1960s, there were 300,000 cigars in the 1990s – in 1998 even nine million. Nevertheless, all tobacco products produced by Woermann – including the Piporito cigars – are still made from one hundred percent quality tobacco. The customers thank the company with their loyalty.
In our online shop, you can conveniently buy the flavored Piporito little cigars online.
The Piporito little cigars in the “Panatella” and “Corona” format are supplied in decorative wooden boxes in a number of 20 pieces each; The “mini” Piporito little cigars are available in a pack of 20 pieces. The stylish wooden box makes the tobacco products a visual pleasure even before smoking. Convince yourself of the quality of the Piporito little cigars.