swisher sweets little cigars
When it comes to cigars, many people think of the large, full-bodied ones that are often associated with upscale events and wealthy individuals. However, there is a smaller and more affordable option that often gets overlooked – little cigars.
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos, are a popular choice among smokers who want the experience of smoking a cigar without having to commit to a larger, more expensive cigar. These thin and short cigars offer all the flavor and enjoyment of a cigar, but at a lower cost and with less time commitment.
Personally, as a lover of cigars, I can attest to the convenience and enjoyment of smoking little cigars. Let me take you on a journey into the world of little cigars and share my insights and experiences.
What are little cigars?
Little cigars are similar to their larger counterparts, but they come in a much smaller package. They are often described as cigar’s “little brother” or “baby cigar.” They typically range in size from 3.5 to 4 inches in length and have a ring gauge of 20-24. For comparison, a regular cigar can range from 5 to 8 inches in length with a ring gauge of 40-60.
Little cigars are made with the same tobacco leaves as regular cigars, but they are packed with a blend of filler, binder, and wrapper leaves. They also have a filter, which helps to reduce the amount of tar and nicotine that reaches the smoker. This makes them a healthier alternative to cigarettes, which have a higher concentration of these harmful substances.
Different types of little cigars
Just like with regular cigars, little cigars come in various types and flavors. Some popular types include:
– Flavored little cigars: These cigars come in a variety of flavors, such as vanilla, cherry, chocolate, and menthol. They are perfect for those who want a sweeter and more flavorful smoking experience.
– Natural little cigars: These cigars are made with all-natural tobacco leaves, providing a more traditional and earthy flavor.
– Filtered little cigars: As mentioned earlier, these cigars have a filter that reduces the amount of tar and nicotine that reaches the smoker. They are a popular choice for those who want a healthier smoking option.
– Non-filtered little cigars: These cigars do not have a filter and provide a stronger and more intense smoking experience. They are not recommended for beginners or those who prefer a milder taste.
Why choose little cigars?
One of the main reasons to choose little cigars is affordability. Regular cigars can be quite expensive, ranging from $5 to $50 per cigar, depending on the brand and quality. On the other hand, little cigars can range from $1 to $5 per cigar, making them a more budget-friendly option for those who enjoy cigars but don’t want to break the bank.
Another advantage of little cigars is their smaller size. They are perfect for a quick smoke break or when you only have a few minutes to spare. Regular cigars require a longer time commitment due to their larger size, making them less convenient for on-the-go smoking.
Additionally, little cigars offer a range of flavors and types, giving smokers the opportunity to try different varieties without the commitment of a full-sized cigar. They are also a great way for beginners to ease into the world of cigars and develop their palate.
How to smoke little cigars?
Smoking a little cigar is similar to smoking a regular cigar, but there are a few differences to keep in mind. Here are some tips for a successful and enjoyable smoking experience:
1. Cut the cigar: Before lighting, you need to cut the end of the cigar. Unlike regular cigars, little cigars usually come with a pre-cut end, so you won’t need to use a cigar cutter. However, if your cigar doesn’t have a cut end, you can simply use a sharp knife or a cigar cutter to make a small incision.
2. Toast the end: Once your cigar is cut, you need to light it up. Hold the cigar at a 45-degree angle and use a lighter or match to toast the end. This means holding the flame to the end of the cigar without directly touching it. This will create an even burn and prevent the cigar from unraveling.
3. Rotate while lighting: After toasting the end, take a few puffs to get the cigar burning evenly. Rotate the cigar while doing so to ensure all sides are lit properly.
4. Take slow and gentle puffs: Unlike cigarettes, cigars are meant to be enjoyed at a slower pace. Take slow and gentle puffs to fully savor the flavors and enjoy the smoking experience.
5. Don’t inhale: While some people may inhale cigars, it is not recommended as they are meant to be smoked for their taste and aroma rather than for the nicotine buzz. Inhaling can also make the smoke harsh and unpleasant.
In conclusion, little cigars are a fantastic alternative for those who want to experience the pleasure of smoking a cigar without the commitment of a full-sized one. They are affordable, convenient, and come in a range of flavors to suit everyone’s preferences.
If you’re a cigar lover like me, I highly recommend giving little cigars a try. They offer all the enjoyment of a cigar in a smaller package, making them the perfect choice for any smoking occasion. So why not grab yourself a pack of little cigars and indulge in a satisfying and enjoyable smoking experience?