Te-Amo little cigars with compliance to international standards

Te-Amo little cigars with compliance to international standards

In addition to the pure production of Te-Amo little cigars, the company feels particularly connected to the country and the region and also expresses this in action. Compliance with international standards regarding working conditions and social benefits is one of the company’s stated goals, and sustainability is another aspect of the management of the soil. The employees receive appropriate training in organic farming. The Tabacalera has also started a reforestation program for the surrounding rainforest, where particularly endangered tree and plant varieties are promoted, so 1000 new trees are planted every year!

Years of experience and constant observation of the tobacco plants enable the tobacco experts of the Tabacalera to select the best leaves for the production of the Te-Amo little cigars plant by plant and also to determine the right time for the harvest. After the harvest, the leaves are threaded, first dried and then stored in special rooms at optimal humidity and temperature in order to ferment and ripen there. The manufacturer of Te-Amo little cigars carefully selects the tobacco types used for the different blends thanks to his great experience and intuition. That is why only the best tobacco leaves find their way into the Te-Amo little cigars. Each series of Te-Amo little cigars gets its own typical taste character.

After the master blender has selected the leaves to be used, it is now up to the Torcedores to convert the individual leaves into easily smokable cigars. The Torcedores of the Tabacalera Alberto Turrent are among the best in their profession and have learned their cigar manufacturing skills from their ancestors. The wooden cigar boxes for Te-Amo little cigars are also made by hand – consistently committed to high quality. Finally, each cigar finds its place in the cedar boxes and is waiting to be put in the hands of an aficionado who appreciates the pleasure! These Puros look like Mexican Maduro due to their dark wrapper, but they are not! The Te-Amo little cigars are a miniature version of a Belicoso and are particularly popular.