The Macanudo little cigars brand

The Macanudo little cigars brand

In the 1940s, in Jamaica, the word Macanudo was used as the name for a very popular cigar format, and in Spanish, the word means “excellent.” In 1968, General Cigar acquired Temple Hall, the largest factory in Jamaica. From that moment, the legendary cigar master Ramon Sifuentes began to create the Macanudo brand.

Macanudo little cigars – Cafe Miniatures

It is a small cigar with a delicate tobacco aroma and a subtle flavor of spices. It is ideal for short-term smoking during the day.

Macanudo little cigars – Cafe Assots

It is a small cigar with the taste of cocoa beans and coffee. Smoke is soft, intensifying to medium strength; in the last third notes of cedar wood appear. It is ideal for short-term smoking during the day.

Macanudo little cigars Maduro Ascots

It is a small cigar with a delicious taste of dark chocolate, gradually turning into sweet hot chocolate. It is a great combination with a cup of aromatic coffee.

The process of smoking Macanudo little cigars is in many ways similar to smoking a cigar. You don’t need to cut off Macanudo little cigars, everything is already done for you. Also, do not pay special attention to the condition of the cigar. This makes no sense, because Macanudo little cigars are much less demanding on storage conditions than cigars. For example, you don’t have to worry about cigarilla being overdried. An exception is some types of cigars that require moisture.

First you need to set fire to a cigar. Here you can use regular matches or a lighter. It is not recommended to bring the fire directly to the cigar. It is important that it begins to smolder. The smoking process itself is no different. You need to pay attention to the factor that it is not recommended to smoke a cigar in the puff.

Now let’s discuss the choice of Macanudo little cigars. It is worth saying that the bulk of cigarillos are produced in Europe or the United States of America. For their manufacture, the best types of tobacco are used, which was grown in Latin America, Brazil. Interestingly, the cover sheet and tobacco inside the cigarillos may be from different countries.