The Montecristo little cigars are classy tobacco items

The Montecristo little cigars are small and classy cigarillos, which with their 5 to 10 minutes smoke duration are suitable for the short break and the terrace in winter. They are very strong and can offer little in terms of aroma and taste other than a distinct spice. Otherwise the properties match a cigarillo and promise the lover an intense experience.

The Montecristo little cigars are real cigarillos. With their 8 centimeters length and only 8 millimeters in diameter, they are among the smallest that you can get from Rauchwerk from Cuba. The Montecristo little cigars are very strong in terms of tobacco and should not be used as an introduction. The 5 minute smoke duration is nevertheless a pleasant experience for the enthusiast with mild aromas and a light earthy and spicy taste. The workmanship is okay, the draft and the burn are good.

The little ones from Montecristo also live up to their name and present the strength of their literary source in an inimitable way. The pick-me-up among the cigarillos should be enjoyed in moderation, then a pleasant smoke presents itself for inclined smokers.

Similar to the Cuban legend Cohiba, the Montecristo little cigars brand is primarily associated with long fillers full of aspiration and enjoyment. In addition, the manufacturer Habanos S.A. strives to appeal to a younger and more modern target group by making cigarillos of both brands accessible. The Club and Mini formats have paved their way into the hearts of connoisseurs who are less likely to start with the larger, more complex cigars of the house and are instead looking
for a high-quality smoking experience suitable for everyday use.

Recently, they have gone one step further and made the Montecristo little cigars available. Behind it is a flavored cigarillo with or without a filter, which hits the nerve of the times.
With the Montecristo little cigars, a finely flavored tobacco blend meets a surprisingly elegant, shiny wrapper. The blend of 100% Cubantobacco is impressive – in the truest sense of the word – and ensures a smelling smelling experience that you won’t forget in a hurry.
Herbal sweet spice pampers the palate and nose with a short, short-lived smoking pleasure. The fine, soft cigarillo is available in an attractive tin box.