The Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars series is a wonderful example of the outstanding quality of Zino cigars

Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are hard to beat in terms of their complexity and quality. Much of the production takes place in the Dominican Republic, but high-quality tobacco from all over America is used for the cigar manufacture.

The Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars series is a wonderful example of the outstanding quality of Zino cigars. Your wrapper comes from Ecuador and the Connecticut River Valley, the tobacco for the filler from Peru and the Dominican Republic. The cigar is characterized by an extremely balanced taste profile, it is initially sharp, but develops a pleasant mildness and has earthy, chocolaty aromas.
The shape of the cigar guarantees a visually stimulating profile as well as excellent burn and stable draw behavior. The dimensions of the cigar are 10 centimeters long with a diameter of 10 millimeters. All of this contributes to a balanced smoking pleasure, which lasts about 20 minutes. For a particularly full-bodied taste spectrum, a fresh espresso can be enjoyed with it.

Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are available either as singlecopies or in packs of ten.

The Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are packaged in a luxurious
and trendy way in the aluminum tube. The elegant tube encloses the
cigar airtight, which is also wrapped in a cedar leaf. In this way, its aroma and moisture are retained outside the humidor and it is always optimally protected even when traveling. The cigar boxes are also impressive: They are equipped with a black velvet inlay in which 10 tubes are embedded.

The Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are strong and rich in aroma. Despite the intensity of the taste notes, it is finely balanced and especially the coffee and cognac aromas crown this powerful smoking pleasure. The filler tobaccos mature for up to 5 years, the binder tobaccos mature for 4 years and the wrapper leaves for 2 years! 75% of the filler consists of especially strong Ligero tobacco leaves and rare, fine Peruvian tobacco rounds off the remaining 25% of the filler.