Vaquero little Cigars are made from a wonderful blend of pure American tobaccos
Vaquero little Cigars offer an excellent mix of premium tobacco and tempting aromas. These tasty Vaquero little Cigars are made in the USA and made with the greatest care and passion.
The strength of the tobacco extends this range of filtered cigars by two more varieties, which are divided into natural and light varieties. Pleasant aroma, soft smoke and the persistent taste of delicious aromas provide an urgently needed blow that you will definitely need after a long day at work. The pocket-friendly pricing also makes them a high-quality alternative to their expensive counterparts.
Vaquero little Cigars have a longer and firm body with a rigid packaging. Each carton contains 20 cigars and the distribution is at Sunshine Tobacco Inc in Miami, FL.
Variety has always been the spice of life and people are always looking for new things. With this in mind, Vaquero little Cigars offer a wide range of flavors like menthol, cherry, peach, vanilla and wild berry, which are mixed with the tobacco leaves to make amazing cigars. Each aroma has the sweet smokiness and aroma-filling essence that helps improve the taste profile of the smoke.
Once you start smoking one of these beauties, stopping is never an option. Try one of these Vaquero little Cigars today and see what all the fuss is about.
Vaquero little Cigars are made from a wonderful blend of pure American tobaccos that exude a refreshing aroma.
They offer a mild smoke that never overwhelms your senses or offers an uncomfortable smoking experience.
The unique composition of the filler makes Vaquero little Cigars a smoking product that you should never do without. They have a ring thickness, which enables quick but pleasant smoke at a time of your choice.
These cigars are manufactured in North Carolina by Sunshine Tobacco, a company that sells premium cigars in the United States. These cigars are packaged in sets of 10 boxes of 20 units each.
The pack keeps the wrapped cigars fresh and can be easily put in your pocket for a range of portable goodies. Treat yourself to these cigars early in the morning, on a nightly walk in a park or during a vacation in the tropics and they will fill you up every time.