Vegafina little cigars are the most popular non-Cuban brand

Vegafina little cigars are the most popular non-Cuban brand

Vegafina little cigars are the most popular non-Cuban brand on the Spanish market, which otherwise prefers more substantial cigars. All the more astonishing since the insert of this Dominican cigar was composed rather mildly. It consists of the varieties Piloto and Olor (both from the Dominican Republic) as well as a portion of tobacco from Colombia and some filler tobacco from Honduras. Indonesia is used as a binder, which in turn is refined with a Connecticut Shade cover sheet drawn in Ecuador. These Vegafina little cigars taste mildly creamy.

They are mild to medium-strength cigars that deliver very good workmanship for a fair price. José Seijas, the retired masterblender of the Tabacalera de Garcia, in which these Vitolas are still rolled by hand from whole sheets, was responsible for this mixture. Shortly thereafter, José joined the Joya de Nicaragua cigar manufacturer, since he was probably a little too quiet about retirement! He is now represented on the German and international markets with his own cigar brand Matilde.

In addition to the normal series formats, special editions of Vegafina little cigars appear in Vitolas every year that are otherwise not produced. Examples of this are the various Sumum or now, after José Seijas’ withdrawal, the Master Blender Editions.

Vegafina Minutos is a Dominican cigarillo with at least 25 minutes of full-bodied smoking pleasure, which has a perfect taste. The Dominican Vegafina little cigars have a mild taste and carry nutty aromas. They are ideal for beginners, the quality is excellent and smoking pleasure takes 25 minutes.

The Dominican Vegafina little cigars are a whopping 10 cm long and can therefore almost be described as a small cigar. The short filler has a mild strength that optimally complements the nutty aromas in the course of the smoke for at least 25 minutes and there is nothing to complain about in its processing. The draft and burn-off is optimal and the oily glossy cover sheet from Ecuador tastes great with the insert from Dominican tobacco. The Minutos Vegafina little cigars are perfect for beginners in the cigar world because it can keep up with some long fillers in terms of taste, but will also taste good and taste good for all cigarillo lovers.